Peaches' New Garden

Monday, October 16, 2006

Moving in - a blank canvas - September 2006

We moved into our new home on 23rd September 2006. I am the gardener of the family - and answer to Peaches. Mr Peaches is a mere labourer. We have two little peaches too which aid and abet my attempts at gardening.

What struck me at first was that the previous occupants were definitely not gardeners. All we had were two unkempt lawns, which were too wet to cut.

14th October 2006

This weekend I started to do a bit of work. I bought some shrubs from Morrisons and commenced planting. I dug over the bed at the side of the patio, under the kitchen window. Despite being heavily shaded the soil seems to be in quite good nick. I plant a couple of pyracanthas against the fence, a couple of fuchsias which I brought from my old house, a couple of last year's lavender cuttings from old house a pair of Christmas Roses, several bulbs and a few primula.

I then dug over the bed just past the outhouse which was covered in almost grass (dont know what its called but its that shallow rooted stuff which sends out runners). I plant two more pyracanthas against the fence, and think I probably need two more! Then the young lad helps me plant several mixed daffodil bulbs, a Viburnum Tinus and a heuchera. I remove quite a few slugs and snails and decide I need some pellets or something.

The slabs on the path are quite uneven and I make a mental note to tell Mr P to attend to them.

I get out the strimmer and attempt the so called lawn. It is so long and doesnt strim well. The strimmer keeps dying. I try the flymo with a bit more success, but Mr P comes along with the rotary mower and cuts it after a fashion. It looks a mess. Its lumpy and bumpy and the grass is barely grass. Vile. I decide it needs to be redone but I darent tell Mr P yet as he is struggling with laminate flooring.

A couple of days later I add an Acuba as its good in shade. The garden has lots of that! Also I plant an old fuchsia from my previous garden and a sedum from the same place, a few more bulbs and I also have a go at some Irishmens cuttings or hardwood cuttings. These are from the old garden and are basically foot long lengths of forsythia, ribes, mock orange and euonymous cut from the old garden and stuck into a sheltered patch near the patio door.


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