Peaches' New Garden

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Plant a tree in '73 plant some more in 2006

Doesnt quite scan so well does it? Plant a tree in 2006. Anyone else remember the slogan 'Plant a Tree in '73'?

Well I bought some trees from Netto. A bargain at £3.99 each. Listed below:

Helderfinger Cherry - a good choice for garden use and a good pollinator for other cherries. Good Flavour with juicy flesh, or so the blurb says.
The label says its a self pollinator. I googled it and couldnt find Helderfinger but found Hedelfingen which I presume is the same, but many sites say it needs a pollinator, so if you know about this tree let me know please!!! Picking time late July. Never had a real cherry tree before so we will see.

Bramley Apple - Needs pollinator: Elstar, Granny Smith or Cox's Orange (nearly typed Cox's orgasm for some reason).

Elstar Apple - Pollinator G. Smith or Cox's (couldnt find either of these)

Golden Delicious Apple - Pollinator Elstar, Granny Smith or Cox's Orange

On the back of the apple label it gives pruning info which I will reproduce here because Im bound to lose the label:
  • Regular pruning of apple trees is necessary to promote more fruit bearing growths, and therefore more fruit. In early summer prune the current years growth back approximately 6 or 7 buds from the main stem. This will encourage more fruiting spur growths to form. In winter simply prune out any overcrowded branches and remove any diseased branches and any crossing branches. The aim of this is to open up the centre of the tree. With apple trees it is important to remember when shaping your tree, that horizontal branches bear more fruit than vertical branches do.
  • Use a good general fertiliser which as a large potash content in early spring.
  • Use a good multi purpose spray for mildew and aphid.
Malus Crab Apple John Downie - bears white flowers in spring succeeded by large red-flushed, orange crab apples in autumn.

Sorbus Aucuparia - Ornamental tree. White flowers in spring followed by red berries.

I planted these today. Worked in a bit of compost with them all. All the fruit trees are in the back garden around the fence, hope they get enough sun in summer. The Rowan is in the back, too in the sunny spot for some reason. Mr P wouldnt let me change my mind as he was labouring today. The crab has gone into the front.
Photos to follow (hopefully).

We also planted some more bulbs.

Bought some more stuff from Netto like heathers, box, skimmia, red hot poker, helenium. Havent planted these yet.


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